How to unlock a vendor

Last updated February 10, 2023
Written by Princess Luzadas

Vendors are unable to make further changes to parts of their application once it has been submitted to your organisation and is in Pending Approval or Approved status. If you would like to grant a particular vendor the ability to update certain information outside of the allocated times and/or vendor status, you can unlock their application.

If your organisation has enabled the Registration Dates feature vendors will only be permitted to update certain parts of their account during specified time periods.

Unlock a vendor's application

To unlock a vendor's application:

  1. Navigate to the required vendor profile
  2. Locate the Unlock Statuses section of the page
  3. Click the Click to unlock button
  4. Select the appropriate unlock type     
  5. Select the date you would like the vendor's application to be unlocked in the Unlock Date field
  6. Select the date you would like the vendor's application to be re-locked in the Relock Date field
  7. Using the Instructions for vendor field, outline what actions you would like would like the vendor to perform whilst their application is unlocked. These instructions alone with the name of the user who unlocked their account will be displayed to the vendor on their Felix dashboard     
  8. Select the appropriate Sign-off Template to be applied to the vendor     
  9. Click the Create Unlock button

Selecting All as the unlock type will unlock the vendor's entire application for editing. Selecting Questionnaire or Standard Rates will only unlock their respective sections.

  • As the vendor will be unable to see the contact details of the person who unlocked their account it would be beneficial to add an email address or phone number in the Instructions for Vendor field, in case there are any questions from the vendor.
  • You can enable a notification which informs vendors who to contact to when they need to update anything on their application. Refer to Unlock Request Email Notification.

  • You can learn more about sign-off templates and how they are used in our guide, Introducing sign-off templates.

Once a vendor has logged in and completed the required task they can click the Complete button on their Felix dashboard. This will trigger a notification to you and any pending sign-off assignees, informing them that the vendor has completed you instructions. The vendor submission will be automatically re-locked and the unlock status will display as Complete.

If the vendor does not click the Complete button within their vendor account, the unlock will expire at the scheduled time. Once this occurs you and any pending sign-off assignees will receive an automatic notification informing you that the unlock has expired.

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