How to export vendor data

Last updated May 22, 2023
Written by Princess Luzadas

Within Felix, you have the capability to generate a report that includes vital information about your vendors. This report encompasses their business details, contact details, ABNs, ABN statuses, as well as their service and payment details.

Additionally, Felix provides you with the option to export vendor data for a specific vendor or vendors associated with a particular status or panel.

Exporting vendor data

To export vendor data:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Vendor Data Export from the main menu.
  2. (Optional) Use the Vendor Name field to search and select a specific vendor.
  3. (Optional) Select a Panel from the dropdown.
  4. (Optional) Select a Vendor Status from the dropdown.
  5. Click the Generate Report button.

  • Vendor data is exported as a CSV file.
  • Your report will be generated as per the filters you have selected. You can export data for all vendors by following the steps above without applying any filters.

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