How to apply a sign-off template to a vendor

Last updated November 22, 2023
Written by Stephen Atkinson

Sign-off templates allow your organisation to automatically designate individual sections of the questionnaire to a staff user to provide their sign off. Sign off templates can be assigned to vendors during the invite process, when unlocking a vendor and/or when updating a vendor's panel memberships.

Tip:  To learn more about applying a sign-off template to a vendor during the invite or unlock process you can read our guides; How to invite a vendor and How to unlock a vendor.

Applying a sign-off template to a vendor

To apply a sign-off template to a vendor:

  1. Click on Vendors in your navigation bar to access the vendor listing
  2. Locate the vendor you wish to apply a sign-off template to
  3. Hover over the more icon beside the relevant vendor
  4. Select View Profile from the drop-down menu
  5. Click the Details tab and select Panels from the drop-down menu
  6. Select the appropriate sign-off template for the relevant panel/s from the Sign-off template drop-down menu
  7. Click the Update button
  8. Select Update Panels from the drop-down menu
  9. Click Yes in the prompt to confirm your changes

Note:  If a vendor is yet to submit their application, sign-off assignments will be created based on the applied template at the time of submission. If the vendor has already submitted their application any missing sign-offs for new sections (e.g. A new panel) will be assigned automatically overnight based on the new template selected.

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