How to create and modify projects

Last updated July 24, 2023
Written by Princess Luzadas

Project is a centralised location where you can store details and documents for your sourcing activities.

Users will need Project permissions to create projects at any time.

Creating a project

To create a new project:

  1. Navigate to Projects > Projects from the main menu.
  2. Click the Add New Project button at the top right corner.
  3. In Details section, update the following fields:
    • Title - Enter a title of the project. (Required)
    • Status - Select an option from the dropdown whether in Draft, Tender, In Progress, Completed or Cancelled. (Required)
    • Start Date - Enter the date when the project kicks off.
    • End Date - Enter the date when the project ends.
    • Duration - Enter the value as to how long the project would take to complete in Days, Weeks, Months or Years.
    • Description - Enter details about the project.
    • Project Number - Enter the appropriate project number for the project.
    • Business Unit - Select an option from the dropdown for the appropriate business unit for the project.
  4. In Access section, select from the following options:
    • Anyone can view and edit (Default)
    • Anyone can view, editing restricted - The project owner has required permission by default.
    • Select who can view and edit- The project owner has required permission by default.
      • You can add users or teams and set the type of access they should have by clicking the Add new permission button.
      • To remove users or teams access to the project, click the trash bin icon.
  5. To add a section for Location or Budget, click the Add Section button.
    • For Location, update the following fields:
      • Country
      • Region / State
      • City
      • Zip Code
      • Address
      • Additional Site Details
    • For Budget, enter the value in the Total Budget field.
  6. To remove an added section, click the blue icon at the right side of the section name.
  7. Click the Create Project button.

Modifying a project

To modify a project:

  1. Navigate to Projects > Projects from the main menu.
  2. Locate the project you want to modify by using the quick search or filters.
  3. Click on the Title of the project or hover over the ellipsis icon and select View from the options.
  4. Click the pencil icon at the right side of the section name.
  5. Click Save.

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