Frequently asked questions

Last updated March 26, 2024
Written by Alexa Littleton

Below is a list of common questions asked about inviting vendors. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to get in touch our friendly support team.


What is the difference between "Search marketplace" and "Add a vendor"?

Our Search marketplace feature allows you to search for and invite to your organisation vendors who already have accounts on Felix. If you're unable to locate the vendor you wish to invite using the marketplace search, you can use the Add a vendor form to invite a brand new vendor to Felix.

What happens when I invite a new vendor to join Felix?

When a new vendor is invited to Felix we create a vendor and user account for their business using the email provided, and create a link between your organisation and their account allowing you to monitor their onboarding progress.

What happens when I invite an existing vendor to my organisation?

When an existing Felix vendor is invited to an organisation, we create a link between your organisation and their account allowing you to monitor their onboarding progress.

Can I invite multiple vendors using the same email?

User accounts on Felix require unique email addresses. Due to this, once a user is associated with a particular vendor account, it isn't possible to reuse their email address for another account.

What email do vendors receive when they're invited?

Vendors receive the following email when invited to Felix:


I'm unable to see the Invite Vendor button.

The ability to invite new vendors to Felix is controlled through the use of security groups and permissions. If you're unable to view the Invite Vendor button please reach out to your organisation administrator for assistance.

I'm unable to change a vendor's business name when I try to invite them.

If a vendor has previously registered on Felix they'll have chosen a business name for their account. In these cases, it isn't possible for the organisation to suggest a business name when inviting the vendor.

Error: One or more users with the same email domain belong to my organisation.

If you've received this error it's a good opportunity to stop and check that you aren't about to create a duplicate vendor, however, if you're certain you want to continue you'll be able to send the invite by clicking the Send Invitation button.

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