How to bulk import vendors

Last updated March 31, 2023
Written by Princess Luzadas

If you have an existing list of vendors you'd like to invite into Felix, it can be time consuming to invite them one at a time. Using our bulk import features invite hundreds of vendors at the same time without breaking a sweat. 

How to import a list of vendors

To bulk import a list of vendors into Felix:

  1. Navigate to the Invite Vendors page
  2. Click the Import a list tab
  3. Download the bulk import template
  4. Complete the mandatory email and vendor_title columns in the template
  5. Upload the template
  6. Select a Panel and Sign-Off Templates for the vendor
  7. Review the list of vendors
  8. Click Send Invitations

Each list of vendors imported uses the same panel and sign-off templates. You may need to perform multiple bulk imports depending on your panel & sign-off configuration.
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