How to Review, Analyse, and Normalise the Pricing Schedule

Last updated March 04, 2024
Written by Stephen Atkinson
To open the Pricing Schedule Comparison button, refer to How to review RFQ responses.


Getting familiar with the pricing schedule comparison view

Toggle between versions of pricing schedules

If you have issued more than one Version of a pricing schedule, you can use the "Schedule version" selector to toggle between issued versions. Doing so, you can see:

  • Which vendors have made submissions for each version.
  • Links to the addendum message used to transmit the version.
  • Any draft schedules you might be preparing for issue to vendors.

One view for original quotes and one for bid levelling

The pricing schedule has two views - Original Quotes and Quote Analysis tab. 

The The Original Quotes tab allows you to see the raw quotes from vendors. 

The Quote Analysis tab allows you to:

  • Add financial and non-financial adjustments to normalise vendor quotes
  • Enter a comparison set of values for a vendor who has not quoted yet or quoted offline

Views and filters to change what you see

In both tabs, you can use the Customize View link at the top left corner of the pricing schedule to do the following. These options can be used together.

  • Show totals only - You can only see row descriptions and totals; one column per vendor.
  • Shortlisted vendors only - You can limit the display to only vendors who have been shortlisted on the Vendors tab in the RFQ. All columns are shown for each vendor.
  • Quotes in original currency - (For multi-currency RFQs only) You can see the original currency that the vendor quoted. The default view is that all quotes are converted to base project currency.

You can also filter which vendors you would like to view on your end when comparing pricing schedules between multiple vendors by clicking the Vendors link at the top left corner of the pricing schedule.

Vendors available for adding and filtering are dependent upon the tab you are on, and the status of the vendors' quotes.

  • Original Quotes tab: you can select Quoted and Manually Quoted vendors that have quoted themselves.

  • Quote Analysis tab: you can select Quoted, Unquoted and Manually Quoted vendors to show and edit in this view.

Exporting data to PDF or Excel

In both tabs, you can export the current view to a CSV format. Use the Export button in the top right of the screen and select from either Flat List or Comparison formats.

  • Flat List provides the data in a "flat" columnar format that is compatible with typical header rows, filtering, sorting and pivot tables in Excel (or your favourite spreadsheet tool).
  • Comparison provides the various quotes side by side, closer to the more typical bid tab format. Given it is a CSV format, it will require some formatting by you.

You can additionally export a single vendor's submission or analysis data by hovering over the vendor's name in the table, clicking the small arrow that appears on hover, and clicking Export to PDF.

Reviewing and analysing the pricing schedule

The following activities are typically performed when first reviewing a pricing schedule:

  • Review line item statuses - To understand whether a vendor has quoted , included or excluded items from the quote

  • (Where you have allowed vendors to propose quantities) Review proposed quantities - To understand differences in quantities that they see versus your estimates

  • Review pricing schedule overall budget variance per vendor - To identify any material differences between vendors' quotes for further investigation or adjustment

  • Review budget variance per line item per vendor - To identify trends or specific differences in a vendor's quote that might warrant investigation or adjustment

  • Review comments, inclusions and exclusions from vendors on rows - To identify context that requires further investigation or adjustment

The Budget variance at the top of the table is variance to pricing schedule budget, not to package budget from the RFQ and procurement schedule.

Line item row statuses

With the aid of these colour-coded visual cues, organisations can easily identify the status of each line item on the pricing schedule for each vendor. The colour codes indicate what has been quoted, included or excluded.

  • Green check mark - Quoted
    • The vendor has provided a price (and lead time, and manufacturer if requested by you)
  • Yellow check mark - Included in quote
    • The vendor is indicating that the item is included elsewhere in the quoted items of the pricing schedule.
  • Red cross mark - Excluded from quote
    • The vendor is indicating that the item is not covered anywhere in the quote.
  • Blue check mark
    • This indicates that the line item has been modified by your organisation (Quote Analysis view only). Modified entries are shown in blue text as well.

In all cases, vendors have the flexibility to add more context to a pricing schedule item using the comments function. It is recommended to always read all provided comments by vendors.

Organisations can make adjustments to line items whether the vendor responded or not within Felix via the Quote Analysis tab. Comparing is also made easy as you can switch tabs to the original quote to the adjusted quote.

Normalising the pricing schedule comparison

In scenarios where you have released multiple schedule versions to vendors, Felix enables you to store different adjustments for each version. See Editing and issuing a revision to a Pricing Schedule for details on how to issue new versions of schedules to vendors.

There are several ways to normalise the pricing schedule on the Quote Analysis tab:

  • Add in responses for a vendor that has quoted outside Felix
  • Edit QTY (quantity) and Rate values for a vendor to model changes for analysis
  • Add financial (Pricing) adjustments to normalise/level the bids from a financial viewpoint
  • Add Non-financial adjustments to compare other vendor differentiators side by side

Adding responses for a vendor who has quoted outside Felix

  1. Click the Vendors link at the top left corner of the pricing schedule.
  2. Select the desired vendor from the list. They will be listed under No Quote or Manually Quoted in the list.
  3. The vendor will be displayed with their own columns in the pricing schedule.
  4. Enter the values for QTY (quantity) and Rate. Click the cell twice to edit it.
  5. The values will be in blue text and the Status column will change to a blue check mark to indicate that the row has been modified.
  6. You can now compare the vendor next to all other vendors that have quoted directly in Felix.

Responses added on behalf of a vendor in the Quote Analysis tab will be overwritten by a latter formal vendor submission via Felix.

Modifying quantity and rate values for a vendor

  1. Adjust the QTY (quantity) or Rate of a line item by clicking the cell twice to edit and enter the updated value.
  2. Manually adjusted pricing appears in blue text and its line item status is a blue check mark to indicate that it has been updated.

Adding financial (pricing) adjustments

  1. Click the Add Adjustments button and select Pricing from the options. A new section with a default title Pricing will be added at the bottom of the pricing schedule. It will be also indicated with a blue "Adjustments" badge.
  2. To update the section title or edit the adjustment, click the small down arrow that appears on hover and select from the following options:
    • Edit - Select this to update the section title.
    • Move up or Move down - Select Move up option to move the section up or select Move down option to move the section down depending on your preference for better organization. Sections will be automatically numbered.
    • Delete - Select this to remove the section from the pricing schedule permanently.
  3. To add a row to the Adjustments section, double-click on the Add line item text in the Item column. Once you enter a description, the remaining fields will be editable.
  4. Update the following columns:
    • Budget - Enter the total budget allocated for the line item. This will modify the pricing schedule budget just for the Quote Analysis tab.
    • QTY - This is intended to be used with the Rate column. Enter the quantity required. This can vary per vendor if you desire.
    • Rate - Enter the budget for a single unit of the line item. This can vary per vendor if you desire.

Multiple pricing adjustment sections can be added should you wish to break out your adjustments per your organisation's processes around bid-levelling/quote normalization.

Adding non-financial adjustments or attributes

  1. Click the Add Adjustments button and select Non-financial from the options. A new section with a default title Non-financial will be added at the bottom of the pricing schedule. It will be also indicated with a blue "Adjustments" badge.
  2. To update the section title or edit the adjustment, click the small down arrow that appears on hover and select from the following options:
    • Edit - Select this to update the section title.
    • Move up or Move down - Select Move up option to move the section up or select Move down option to move the section down depending on your preference for better organization. Sections will be automatically numbered.
    • Delete - Select this to remove the section from the pricing schedule permanently.
  3. To add a row to the Adjustments section, double-click on the Add line item text in the Item column. Once you enter a description, the remaining fields will be editable.
  4. Update the following column:
    • Total - Enter any notes or comments on the line item. (This is a text value.)

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