How to Setup a Secondary Email Address for Notifications

Last updated November 03, 2022
Written by Princess Luzadas

You can assign a secondary email address to your users if you want all notifications from the primary email address will be sent through an alternate email address.

Users will need Manage Users permission to change a user's secondary email address.

  • This feature is a sub-feature of Single Sign-On (SSO). An organisation would need SSO enabled as well as the Second email address for notifications. For more information, please contact [email protected].
  • If a secondary email address is logged in a user's account, notifications will only be sent to the secondary email address.

  • Vendors and customers will be able to see the secondary email address within their RFQs and RFQ reports.

Setting up a secondary email address for notifications

To setup a secondary email address:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management from the main menu.
  2. Locate the user you want to assign a secondary email address to or enter the user's name in the search bar.
  3. Click on the user name to immediately access the user details or hover over the ellipsis icon right after the Status field and select View Details.
  4. In Send Email Notifications to field, enter the secondary email address.

  5. Click the Update button. You will see an information icon beside the user's primary address. Hover over it and you will the secondary email address where notifications are being sent to.

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