Sealed Bidding

Last updated June 09, 2023
Written by Princess Luzadas

Sealed bidding is a procurement method used by organisations to support better governance of tenders for the fairness of all tenderers and transparent outcomes for organisations. This approach may also be required for regulatory or compliance reasons in certain segments or geographies. Sealed bidding means that all submissions are kept sealed until the tender closing date, removing any chance that evaluators could view submissions and influence other pending bids.

How Sealed Bidding works in Felix

To enable sealed bidding for a specific project, refer to Project Settings and Permissions.

Once sealed bidding is enabled for a project, the following behaviour will be different for all RFQs in the project:

  • Organisation users will not be able to view any aspect of vendor bids until the close date for the RFQ. There are no available permissions to override this.
  • The RFQ close date can only be changed to a date later than the current close date.

All other functionality of an RFQ will continue to operate the same as you are used to in your organisation.

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