We’re excited to announce the release of a very popular feature requested by our users! Organisations who use the Evaluations feature now have the option to select N/A as a response on non-applicable questions so that overall evaluation score isn’t impacted when specific questions don’t apply.
For example, if you’re evaluating vendor performance and select N/A as a response to a question, this would discount the question for the rating and not impact the evaluation score of that vendor.
Choose to add N/A responses when setting up evaluation questions
For organisations using Procurement Schedule, we know that these can become quite detailed with a large number of packages and columns. Now you can work with the Felix team to set up a summarised view of the schedule allowing for specific package information to be shown against a project.
For example, as a manager or administrator, you may want to:
Or as a team member, you may want to:
Get started with Procurement Schedule Views by reaching out to the Felix Support Team.
See views created in Procurement Schedule for 'Overview', 'Tendering', 'Under Evaluation' and 'Awarded Work'
For those organisations using Contracts Management, you can now receive email reports notifying you of vendor compliance documents that are nearing expiry or have expired, helping contract owners keep informed of vendor compliance related to contracts.
Email reports are configurable in terms of:
Reports can be automatically sent to a shared mailbox, summarising all impacted contracts and vendors.
The new section of the Contract Settings page
An example of email notifications sent providing updates on contract compliance documents
We've updated our library of vendor tags to include icons for each letter of the alphabet.
An example of the new icons added to the library of vendor tags
When searching for a project in the Project listing, you can now trigger the search by pressing enter rather than having to click the Search button.
We're aware that the term Package within the Procurement Schedule might be called something different depending on your organisation. So we've added the ability to rename this on the left-hand side navigation of the Procurement Schedule by creating custom terms in Felix.
Reach out to the Felix Support Team to implement custom terminology to your Felix navigation panel.
When a package is duplicated, the copied version now appears below the original package instead of at the bottom of the package group, allowing for better usability of this feature.
When creating a blank Procurement Schedule, Felix will pre-create some columns together with the package title as a suggestion to help you get started.