How to connect Eftsure and Felix

Last updated May 21, 2024
Written by Stephen Atkinson


Before getting started, you will need the following:

  1. An API authorised user setup in Eftsure
  2. Credentials (username and password) for that API authorised user
  3. Your "OrigId" for your Eftsure account (Eftsure can provide this to you)
  4. Permission in Felix to make changes on the Integrations page

Setting up the Felix-Eftsure Integration

Follow these steps to enable Eftsure in Felix:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations from the top menu.
  2. Locate the Eftsure tile on the page.

  3. If this is your first time connecting to Eftsure, you will see a +Connect button. Click this.
  4. The tile will expand to display fields for you to complete.

  5. Enter the OrigId, Username and Passwordas provided by Eftsure.

    You can use the Test Connection link to test the Eftsure connection without enabling Eftsure right away.

  6. If you are ready to connect and enable Eftsure, click the Connect button. You will be presented with a modal to confirm your action.

  7. Once enabled, the Eftsure tile will collapse and display an enabled toggle switch. The Connect button will also change to display "Manage" as the connection has been setup.

For information on how to manage, disable and remove the Eftsure connection, click here.

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